Saturday, January 15, 2011

What a mess!

My room and suitcases probably shouldn't look like this with less than 24 hours until take off! Somehow even with an entire week of preparation I still save EVERYTHING until the last minute. Maybe it's just a college student thing but I'm ready to be stress and mess free although I'm still getting nervous as it gets EVEN closer!

What am I nervous about?
1. Missing my flight because there have been quite a few scares in my past
2. Getting flustered when trying to speak spanish
3. Getting flustered when someone is speaking to me too fast and I can't understand! Ah!
4. Meeting my host family and making a good impression
5. Staying in my first hostel
6. Forgetting something important (this one is BOUND to happen)

Now off to organize for the final time, I hope my bags aren't overweight!

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