Sunday, January 16, 2011

And we're off!!!

Just boarded my first international flight in three years. The last time I was abroad was my senior year of high school when I travelled to Greece with my senior class. The plane ride is actually a very similar sight...I would say about 75% of my plane is college students all chatting about the adventures that lie ahead for their study abroad experience! To just prove what a small world it actually is besides sitting on the plane with my sorority sister Becca I met up with two other girls from Penn State studying abroad in Seville this semester who are also on the same flight! It was great being greeted by friends after my flight from North Carolina, now I can't wait to be greeted by my new family in Madrid!

The jetlag should be very interesting once we land. What will be 2:00am in the US is when we will be landing in Madrid for a bright and early morning. This is going to be a long day!

Goodbye for now see ya in 8 hours!

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