Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Some of the differences

Besides adjusting to the spanish language completely there are many differences between Spain and what I have become so accustomed to in the United States.

1. The elevators are HALF the size of any US elevator I have ever been in!
2. The fast food restaurants here are nicer than some US restaurants (I passed by the nicest McDonald's I have ever seen today)
3. No free wi-fi at Starbucks, instead you have to buy something in order to get the code to their wifi network
4. The way Spaniards pronounce wi-fi which they pronounce like wee-fee (this definitely confused me a bit in the beginning)
5. Prostitution not only in alleys but in open areas such as on La Granvia which is equivalent to Times Square
6. The metro is the cleanest subway station in the world. Spain is known for this and they have definitely surpassed any expectation I ever had. They have flat screen television right next to where the metro comes in! It is not even comparable to the dark subways of New York. The Spanish metro is lit up completely with fluorescent lights
7. The spanish newspapers contain many more pages than any American newspaper. They are more comparable to a magazine in newspaper form. Some newspapers also have pictures taking up the ENTIRE front page instead of any type of hard news. This was seen in newspapers such as ABC
8. The nightlife of Spaniards! When the bars close in the US is when the Spaniards decide to go out! 2am to 6am is normal partying hours. (This is going to be a rough one to get used to)
9. Although I have not encountered any of this thus far but the pickpocketing in Europe is insane. We were told if any stranger tries to be nice to your and touches you on the shoulder to try and help you out he is basically looking for a way to reach into your bag. (They generally work in pairs so watch out! While one will kindly talk to you and distract you another will go for the wallet!)
10. Many of the lights in Madrid are time sensitive because electricity is SO expensive in Europe. Our hos mom has told us that our room light is dim for a while before it is fully on in case you are just going in for a little while there is no need to waste full energy!
11. THE KEYS! I have never in my life seen a key like my Senora has given me to our new home. Pictures are soon to come!

It's going to be hard getting used to everything but I'm VERY excited to become a real Madrid resident! But for now I'm finally about to get a real night of rest in order to eliminate my jet lag completely!

Adios amigos!

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