Friday, January 14, 2011

Busy busy bee!

With only 48 hours before take off I had an entire day planned of errands that had to be run before my departure. Number 1 on the list consisted of fixing my beyond repair Iphone (which by the way the AT&T employer said he had never seen one so badly damaged yet still working :-/) This was supposed to be a quick exchange for a new Iphone in order to start marking my "to do's" off of my extremely long list. What should have been maybe an hour or two max turned into a seven hour stretch of my life that I will never get back. However, in the end my not so tech-savvy parents left the store with their own smart phones, the new and improved Iphone4! (I must add that their phone before this was a flip phone with no internet, no texting or picture messaging, and definitely no visual voice mail) Regardless of the amount of time spent debating new plans and phones my parents and I left the store extremely happy and satisfied customers. That is until I returned home to my find to my dismay that the mac computer I have had for 5 years is too old for my new technologically advanced Iphone4.

Having never had a problem with my macbook this came as a not so pleasant surprise. So instead of marking off the rest of my "to do list" and having a goodbye lunch with the girls as planned, I will instead haul myself to the mac store to wait in line for hours on end to find out that I will probably need a new computer. (Which with this little time left is completely out of the question) Unfortunately, this was not exactly the way I envisioned my next few days going!

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