Wednesday, January 26, 2011

My trip to the spanish doctor's office

Due to the fact that I'm in a foreign country I delayed going to the doctor for as long as possible. However, once I could no longer control my constant coughing I finally had to make an appointment. And what an experience it was. I was extremely nervous about getting to the doctor because this was going to be my first time walking around the city of Madrid alone as well as taking the metro alone. However, the metro of Madrid is 1,000 times easier than the subways of NYC not to mention much cleaner. I didn't get lost on the metro but once I got off the metro even though I had a clear drawn out map in front of me I still got lost. Shocking I know. After walking around aimlessly and knowing I was somewhat close to my destination I hailed a cab not wanting to be late for my appointment. When I told the cab driver my destination he probably wanted to kick me out right then and there. "Esta aqui" as he pointed 2 blocks over. I was literally right next to the street. Even taking a cab ride did not help me though because I told him the wrong number address so when I got off I was about 10 numbers off. You would think I could just walk down the street and find it but that was not the case. I walked up and back down the street multiple times before asking a passerby "donde esta el numero uno!" And then he pointed to the building right behind us. This building had no signs of a doctors office and looked like an extremely nice apartment complex or museum! Still not thinking I was in the right place I walked up to the first floor and finally a sign for the doctors office!

Let me describe the image for you of my doctor's office: Fireplace, wooden shelves with very old books on them, wooden floors, nice paintings hung all around the wall, and to top it off a large wooden desk in which my doctor sat behind. This was definitely the nicest doctor's office I had ever been in! Although the procedure went the same (taking my blood pressure and heart rate etc.) I was a little skeptical. He was not inclined to give me antibiotics until I told him I really thought I needed them. After begging for antibiotics I was also prescribed cough syrup. (something that would never happen in the U.S.) Although it was a little different of an experience it was still basically the same.

The pharmacy here: The U.S. needs to take a note on how the Madrid pharmacy's work. When you drop off a doctor's prescription in the pharmacy's here you get that prescription right then and there! No waiting, no coming back and making another trip! It was fantastic!

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