Thursday, January 13, 2011

So much to do and only 3 days until take off!

I'm about to embark on the journey of a lifetime to Madrid, Spain for an entire semester and what better way to remember such a journey than writing down every amazing moment? I will be living in the center of magnificent Spain, only a short train ride to anywhere in the country, with my new host family and sorority sister Becca. With only three days until take off I have been trying to fit 5 months worth of clothes, jackets, shoes, bags, and pharmacy products into 2 checked bags. It isn't as easy as it sounds when you're packing for two completely different seasons! However, with only three days left of planning I have only begun to acquire a list of things I must do before leaving Spain. 

  1. See a bullfight
  2. See a flamenco show
  3. Take a flamenco lesson
  4. Watch Real Madrid play in the Santiago Bernabeu Stadium 
  5. Take my first open topped bus tour around Madrid
  6. Speak perfect spanish to passerby's on the street
  7. Order my meals solely in Spanish
  8. Try various spanish tapas (the quintessential spanish food) 
  9. Attend el Rastro (Madrid's weekly flea market) 
  10. Take a hike along the Pyrenese mountains in northern Spain 
  11. Visit el Prado Museum (a must see museum when visiting Madrid)
  12. Eat as many churros as possible! 
  13. Stay in my first hostel
  14. Visit Barcelona, Seville, and Salamanca
  15. Attend el arco (one of Europe's biggest art festivals) 
  16. Take a tour of the city solely in spanish
  17. Immerse myself in Spain's amazing architecture 
  18. Visit the Alhambra in Granada
  19. Eat paella!
That is all for now so let the journey begin! 

1 comment:

  1. Ahh I just read this! I'm studying in Alicante, Spain this semester! It's southeast of Madrid but pretty close! I'm doing the same thing and writing a blog but mines not very interesting yet bc I don't leave until Jan 24th. Haha but good luck over there!!
